Watsi Campaign

Campaign Design


Live, Not Just Survive

I self-directed a marketing/outreach campaign for the nonprofit Watsi. Their mission is to help people in underprivileged countries get the medical care that they need. One of the prominent features of the organization is a direct connection with who you are donating to. There are patient profiles, and you are able to give to specific patients and recieve updates on their recovery process. I decided to focus on the angle of personal connection, and the wonderful increase in quality of life that patients experience post- treatment. I chose the slogan "Live, not just survive." I thought about the idea of a magazine rack that held folders instead of trashy celebrity gossip. Each folder would contain a patient profile with their story, and a QR code to donate towards their treatment. For social media outreach, I crafted a campaign that encouraged readers to make an origami dove, the campaign's symbol, and write their chosen message along with "Health is opportunity" and the Watsi website. For the poster elements, I made one that stands alone, and three that work as a triptych, "Watsi" stretches across the three images and interacts with the type on each, sharing the stories of three individuals and how their lives could change with "one surgery."
